And Im going to share them too! Now, those of you who are either a bit shy, or a bloke - well, you dont have to do anything with them....but if you fancy having a bit of a go - please do! Your names wouldnt appear below if I didnt appreciate something, or several things, about you and your blogs. Consider yourselves all Hugged! So there!
One Sweet Blog Award



Merlin Princesse,
Sandy, Young Werther

and even in absentia: Bird Anonymous
Be sure to visit Ces's blog, her illustrations will inspire you!
Hey, I did not mean for you to share them with me again but thank you. Arent' you going to post the 25 meme? Surely there are 25 things you want to share.
thanks! I got two from Ces. Made my day. But whether I can do anything with them is another story. I'm going to be pretty filled up this week with grandkids.
Ces Doh! I knew I was forgetting something LOL Will work on that today....I know you didnt mean for me to return them - but how could I resist? Thank you for being so sweet!
Sandy No worries! Just enjoy - and Thanks for your support!
This has just made my day... year... century... and I'll be waring it with pride.
Thank you.
I am so chuffed and feeling quite proud too. Thanks heaps matey.
Thank you:)
Oh Thank you! That is sweet! :-D! I'm very proud now! A big hug back! A.
You simply can't beat hugs/awards! Thank you Lavender, you're the best!
Hooray!!! Happy People!!!
You are all so very welcome!
((((((Happy Dancing)))))
I want to thank my parents, for helping me all along. My sibling who have been so bad with me so I could forget all my problems only in virtual World. My agent, for never existing. All those who have bought my art...well....the one who has bought my art... and did not trow it in the bin. I also want to thank... WHAT? It's not the Oscars? Oups.... :P
Thanks, Lavender!
MerlinPrincesse ROFL!! Well done and BRAVO!! Thats a beautiful acceptance speech, Bravo!!
Thanks... I'm dusting off the mantelpiece to put them in pride of place!
Barkfoot Cool! Wear them with pride Mate! :)
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