Sunday, December 1, 2013

Blown glass at last

Long story short:  Last October (I think it was October) - I finally got a chance to blow glass - and it was fantastic.  Here are the three pieces I managed during my time on the hotshop floor....

Piece one - a short tumbler that I flared the edge on...check out the rank amateur punty butt and subsequent stress checking:


Next go - a tumbler again - this time with a raised trail detail:

And lastly, I used frit on the gather before the blow, did another raised trail detail and then added a small lip to make a beaker:

...if I ever get time to blog again, I might post more details and pics of the process...(anyone interested?)

They are not likely to let me back on the hot shop floor again, and so if I want to continue with this, Im going to need that bush block where I can build my own....what a sweet day dream!

While we are on the subject of Hotshops, Hot glass and pics of pretty things on a linty white is the paperweight I did last April (I think it was April....)
Is been a hectic year - and - it doesn't look like slowing down soon - what are you all up to?



Young Werther said...

They are gorgeous! ...and of course I'm interested.

Love the Aussie snakes round the tumblers or are they meant to be something else ;)

Lavender said...

Thanks YW! Snakes is a good name for them - they are very snakey....just meant to be a bit of decoration - but mostly cause they are fun to make! :)

I shall post some pics of the process in the new year - it was a dream come true to do it at last - even if Im not cut out physically for it due to my lack of depth perception and weak hands....still - blew glass!

BetteJo said...

I'm so glad you are finding a way to play with glass again! I hope it's fun for you. I'm not much of a blog reader these days - obviously - you can see how late I found these posts. But when I'm checking - I would definitely love to see what you're doing! :)

BetteJo said...

.. I also think about Bonne Chance once in a while. Is he still around?

kj said...

Lavender !

I think about you! And hope you are doing well. And are content xo

Please let me know when you blog?
We go back a ways :-)


Lavender said...

BetteJo - I don't get around much anymore either since they ditched Google Reader - the other readers Ive tried just frustrated the heck out of me and so I hardly ever catch up with my favourite blogs anymore.......anyhoo.....Good to know more of the good friends are still out there and never know, life may sling us some quality blog time again in future, and I hope to see you there!!!

Lavender said...

KJ - you still have a sweet heart and soul - so good to hear from you - and I wish you the same - lets let 2014 be the best year ever for all of us!

Lavender said...

KJ - you still have a sweet heart and soul - so good to hear from you - and I wish you the same - lets let 2014 be the best year ever for all of us!

kj said...

Hello ms lavender, just checking up on you :-)


Lavender said...

Hey There KJ - thanks for looking in on me - I hope that you are well and having a marvellous spring - see you over at your blog, Cheers!